The previous post is obsolete. I ended up deleting that server after a couple of weeks playing with it.
Instead, I now have a proper home-server/home-lab which is actually located in my home and running on hardware I own. My fabulous little Dell 3040 mini pc which I acquired inexpensively from the Amazon. I was running Docker containers on it ‘bare metal’ using Ubuntu Server. However, a short time later I switched to Debian 12 with a lightweight gui (XFCE). Then I thought, why not return to Cosmos-Server? It simplifies Docker management substantially under one pleasant shiny interface. The app store makes for easy one-click install of the apps in it’s marketplace. And it has a manual docker-compose.yaml upload option for custom installs.
Currently running some downloader stuff, Kavita ebook reader, Filebrowser, among others. I like to use Kavita ereader to read educational material on my tablet in bed at night when the main PC is off. I may install WordPress on it and then hook it up to a domain and then use either a Cloudflare tunnel, or look further into Tailscale. I’ve used the former several times but never the latter, I’ve read many positive things about it. I look at the ‘arr’ suite of apps, but I don’t watch much tv or films, so installing them would be pointless. And I’m not a crim.